About Me
I am the Engineering & Collection Analysis Librarian at Iowa State University in Ames, IA, and a Research Associate affiliated with the ScholCommLab at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
My research focuses on bibliometrics, scholarly communication, and open science.
I work to analyze and evaluate publishing trends at Iowa State and beyond to support the overall Open Access transition in scholarly publishing.
I conduct bibliometric analyses of academic publications to find patterns across campus and inform Iowa State’s growing number of Open Access agreements with publishers.
I use Dimensions, OpenAlex, Web of Science, Python, Unsub, Open Refine, pandas, plotly, R, LaTeX, and Overleaf to do this work.
Together with colleagues at the ScholCommLab, we released an open dataset of list APC prices from six publishers over the five years 2019-2023. The dataset, a data paper describing its construction, and an analysis preprint are all freely available online. We estimate that the scholarly community has paid nearly $9 billion in 2023 US dollars in APCs to these six publishers over these five years. In 2023 alone, we estimate $2.5 billion was paid in APCs.
My study on the impact of the 2022 OSTP “Nelson” guidance memorandum, which will make U.S. federally funded research publicly available after 2026, was published in 2022. A companion website hosts interactive versions of each graph from the article, allowing users to pan, zoom, hover, and explore the data more thoroughly. The study was cited 49 times by the OSTP in November 2023 and June 2024 reports to the Appropriations Committees of the U.S. Senate and House.
To help with collection analysis, I created and launched Unsub Extender, a free Python-based web app to help libraries better analyze and understand their Unsub data. I published a paper describing its use, and the project was honored with the 2022 RUSA ETS Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award and the 2022 ASEE ELD Innovation in Access to Engineering Information Award.
I am also subject specialist / liaison to three engineering departments on campus, providing research help, instruction, collection development, and outreach.
I hold a BS in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State and an MLIS from Rutgers University. Prior to my current role at Iowa State, I worked at Intel for 10 years as an array reliability engineer on NAND flash memory.
ORCiD number 0000-0002-6292-8221
Professional Experience
- Engineering & Collection Analysis Librarian, Iowa State University. June 2015 - present.
- Research Associate, ScholCommLab, University of Ottawa. September 2023 - present.
- Research Affiliate, Invest in Open Infrastructure. November 2023 - present.
- Lead consultant on NSF EAGER grant 2330827 “Investigating reasonable costs to achieve public access to federally funded research and scientific data”
- Senior NAND Array Reliability Engineer, Intel Corp. Jan 2006 - June 2015.
I’m happy to offer consulting work through Schares Data Science for academic libraries, universities, publishers, journals, and more.
Past clients include Clarke & Esposito, Invest in Open Infrastructure, and OurResearch.
Please get in touch if you wish to better understand your data.
- Dixon, P. and Schares, E. (2025). Bayesian and frequentist statistical models to predict publishing output and article processing charge (APC) totals. JASIST. In press.
- Butler, L.-A., Hare, M., Schönfelder, N., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., Haustein, S. (2024). Annual article processing charges for six large scholarly publishers. 28th International Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators (STI 2024). Berlin, Germany.
- Schares, E. (2024, July). Data on datasets: Quantifying US federally funded records in DataCite. Invest in Open Infrastructure. https://investinopen.org/blog/data-on-datasets-quantifying-us-federally-funded-records-in-datacite.
- Butler, L.-A., Hare, M., Schönfelder, N., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., Haustein, S. (2024). An open dataset of article processing charges from six large scholarly publishers (2019-2023). arXiv. https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.08356.
- Butler, L.-A., Hare, M., Schönfelder, N., Schares, E., Alperin, J. P., Haustein, S. (2024). Open dataset of annual Article Processing Charges (APCs) of gold and hybrid journals published by Elsevier, Frontiers, MDPI, PLOS, Springer-Nature and Wiley 2019-2023 [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse, v1. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CR1MMV.
- Schares, E. (2024, June). Inconsistent Hybrid OA Rates When Re-Running the Same Analysis. OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.b270124a.
- Schares, E. (2024, April). Comparing Funder Metadata in OpenAlex and Dimensions. OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.ccc3dae4.
- Schares, E. (2023, December). Rethinking Hybrid Open Access labels for post-embargo articles. OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.45a4f699.
- Schares, E. (2023, October). When is a year complete? OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.64082876.
- Schares, E. and Mierz, S. (2023). Using OpenAlex to analyse cited reference patterns [preprint]. 27th International Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023). Leiden, NL. https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6441a6ee36d64a64fca6d6db/view
- Schares, E. (2023, July). Benefits of reading open peer reviews. OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.85fb1123.
- Schares, E. (2023). Impact of the 2022 OSTP memo: A bibliometric analysis of U.S. federally funded publications, 2017-2021. Quantitative Science Studies, 4(1): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00237.
- Cited 49 times by the White House OSTP in two reports to US Congress
- Winner of the ASEE ELD 2024 Best Publication Award
- Schares, E. (2022, October). Impact of the 2022 OSTP memo: A bibliometric analysis of U.S. federally funded publications, 2017-2021 [preprint]. arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.14871.
- Schares, E. (2022). Unsub Extender: A Python-based web application for visualizing Unsub data. Quantitative Science Studies, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00200.
- Harris, J., Piwowar, H., Schares, E., and Pope, B. (2022). Unsub in real life: Using Unsub as part of serials decisions and negotiations. The Serials Librarian. https://doi.org/10.1080/0361526X.2022.2019543.
- Schares, E. (2021, December). An easier way to access the Web of Science API. OpenISU. https://doi.org/10.31274/b8136f97.a592e503.
- Langham-Putrow, A., Li, Y., Nelson, C., Willmott, M., Price, J., and Schares, E. (2021, November). Data sources for analyzing open access offers from publishers. SPARC Data Analysis Working Group, https://sparcopen.org/our-work/negotiation-resources/data-analysis/data-sources-for-analyzing-open-access-offers-from-publishers/.
- Schares, E. (2021, September). Unsub Extender: a Python-based web application for visualizing Unsub data [preprint]. arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00468.
- Hornbuckle, B., Togliatti, K., Cirone, R., and Schares, E. (2020, June). Be a more productive writer with online LaTeX. CSA News, 65(6), 35-38. https://doi.org/10.1002/csan.20142.
- Schares, E. (2019). ILL communication: Analyzing five years of Iowa State University’s print Interlibrary Loan requests. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL. https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/62335
- Evans, P. and Schares, E. (2017). FLEx – Iowa State University’s mobile technology classroom. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH. https://dr.lib.iastate.edu/handle/20.500.12876/62327
- Mielke, N., Marquart, T., Ning, W., Kessenich, J., Belgal, H., Schares, E., . . . Nevill, L. R. (2008, April 27 - May 1). Bit error rate in NAND flash memories. Paper presented at the Intel Reliability Physics Symposium, 2008. IRPS 2008. IEEE International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/RELPHY.2008.4558857
- Stieler, D., Dalal, V. L., Muthukrishnan, K., Noack, M., & Schares, E. (2006). Electron mobility in nanocrystalline silicon devices. Journal of Applied Physics, 100(3), 036106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2234545
- Outside Iowa State (2016-2022). April Fools’ Day Joke Newsletter, University Library. http://outsideiowastate.weebly.com/
- Hare, M., Butler, L.A., and Schares, E.. (2025, Feb). A Dataset and Bibliometric Approach to Estimating Annual Article Processing Charges for Six Scholarly Publishers. CARL Bibliometrics and Research Impact Community of Practice Call. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdQ-WShKjXk.
- Steinhart, G., Schares, E., and Skinner, K. (2024, May 30). Navigating the future of data sharing: The impact and cost of expanded public access requirements. IASSIST/CARTO 49th Annual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. https://zenodo.org/records/11263223.
- Schares, E. (2023, Oct). Guest Lecture: Impact of the OSTP Memo. LS 502 - Research Methods. University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies. Virtual.
- Polka, J., Schares, E., and Kaltenbrunner, W. (2023, Sept 7). Panel on Open Peer Review. Charleston In Between. Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2023, May 10). HHS Briefing. Taylor & Francis internal meeting. Virtual.
- Schares, E. and Lair, S. (2023, April). Attempting to make sense of the OSTP memo. LyrOpen Fair 2023, Virtual. https://lyrasis.aviaryplatform.com/r/kd1qf8kr4q.
- Schares, E. and O’Reilly, S. (2023, April). Impact of the OSTP memo: The current state of U.S. federally funded research and how universities can prepare for a more open future. ACRL / CHOICE webinar, Virtual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58FVVQaDtrA.
- Schares, E. (2023, Feb). Guest Lecture: Impact of the OSTP Memo. LS 502 - Research Methods. University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies. Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2023, Feb). Impact of the 2022 OSTP Memo. Open Scholar Cafe. Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2022, Oct). Lightning Talk: Unsub Extender. LIS-Bibliometrics Conference 2022: Measuring What Matters. Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2022, Oct). Analyzing reference data in OpenAlex. Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftTlXAD-wYo and https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7120704.
- Schares, E. (2022, June). ELD lightning talk: Automating API calls with Python. American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. https://osf.io/eypb3/.
- Schares, E. (2022, February 22 & 24). Unsub Extender with Eric Schares. Unsub Webinar Series, Virtual. https://vimeo.com/680578098 and https://vimeo.com/681619823.
- Schares, E. (2021, November). Innovation Session: Unsub Extender. Charleston Library Conference, Hybrid: Charleston, SC and Virtual.
- Over, S. and Schares, E. (2021, July). ELD Workshop: Getting Started with LaTeX and Overleaf. American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2021, July). ELD lightning talk: Introducing Unsub Extender. American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Piwowar, H., Harris, J., and Schares, E. (2021, May). Unsub in real life: Using Unsub as part of serials decisions and negotiations. NASIG 2021 Conference, Virtual. https://youtu.be/7xuJsVivlXU.
- Schares, E. and Goddard, M. (2021, May). Behind the scenes of open access agreements. IPAL & ILA/ACRL Joint Conference, Virtual. https://youtu.be/n1yLTd3yVRA.
- Willmott, M. and Schares, E. (2021, February). Publication and financial data gathering: An analysis for strategic considerations of OA and transformative agreements. OA2020 US Working Group and Community of Practice, Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2020, June). ELD lightning talk: Overleaf over time. American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Schares, E. (2019, April). Lightning talk: Adding electronics kits to the library’s circulating collection. STEM Librarians Unite! Drake University, Des Moines, IA.
- Schares, E. (2018, June). ELD lightning talk: Adding electronics kits to the library’s circulating collection. American Society of Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Peer Reviewing
- National Science Foundation reviewer (NSF)
- Institute of Museum and Library Services reviewer (IMLS)
- Quantitative Science Studies (QSS)
- American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division (ASEE ELD)
- Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE)
External Service
- OA2020 Working Group on cost modeling
- Unsub advisor, OurResearch
Research Workshops and Professional Development Courses
- Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions. HarvardX PH559x. Miguel Hernan. November 2024. Online, self-paced.
- CWTS Scientometrics Using Open Data. Leiden University Center for Science and Technology Studies, Netherlands. March 25-28, 2024. Daily live course, online
- Statistical Rethinking 2024. Richard McElreath. January 5 - March 8, 2024. Weekly live course, online.
- Science of Science Summer School (S4). Syracuse University. August 1-12, 2022. Daily live course, online.
- Working with Scholarly APIs. NISO Spring Training Series. April 28 - June 16, 2022. Weekly live course, online.
- CWTS Bibliometrics and Scientometrics for Research Evaluation. Leiden University Center for Science and Technology Studies, Netherlands. November 15-18, 2021. Daily live course, online
Honors and Awards
- ASEE ELD 2024 Best Publication Award for “Impact of the 2022 OSTP memo: A bibliometric analysis of US federally funded publications, 2017–2021”. (2024). American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division.
- ASEE ELD 2022 Innovation in Access to Engineering Information Award for Unsub Extender. (2022). American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division.
- RUSA ETS Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award for Unsub Extender. (2022). ALA Reference and User Services Association, Emerging Technologies Section.
- Faculty and Staff Innovator. (2021). Iowa State University Student Innovation Center.
- Professional and Scientific Excellence Award. (2021). Iowa State University Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony.
- Eric Schares, painting by Rose Frantzen. (2016). University Museums, Iowa State University.
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